Spellbinding Booklets

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Handbooks, guide books, mini magazines, zines, flyers and brochures. Whatever the format, the copy should match your needs and capture your audience.

It’s an interesting journey writing or editing a booklet – and one that I relish. You can see some of my examples below. I make use of interviewing skills, the big-picture approach of an editor, the information-gathering wiles of a researcher as well as the pedantic ways of a master proof-reader with a ferrety eye for detail.

Some brochures with an instructional purpose or industry viewpoint let me exercise my technical writing skills – or perhaps you’re looking to turn that jargon into precise and accessible prose.

It’s the special blend of good text, the right tone and great design that makes a booklet or handbook that’s worth reading.

So let me weave together that stack of material for your handbook or brochure and turn it into something your organisation or the general public can use for years to come.

Take a look at these spellbinders…